Ye Be Cursed, Pirate Girl! A Boston Comic Con Interview with Jeremy Bastian

Interview & Written by Shaun Daniels and Photos & Edited by Sharon Wong with Audio Editing by Stephen Laskey of Laskey Productions

It’s a Spring double header.  No, not of the baseball variety but of the 2012 Boston Comic Con interview type.  First on today’s schedule is Jeremy Bastian, who spoke about Cursed Pirate Girl, a comic series created, written and drawn by the man himself.  Jeremy offers insight into the process of his extraordinarily detailed artwork, and show-and-tells us the Archaia book available to readers on Free Comic Book Day that features his work.  Make sure to check out Jeremy’s blog for “an account of [his] life and times” and to purchase a beautifully illustrated print, and follow him on Twitter @JeremyBastian.

Click here for the interview.

For The Fright Channel fans who are hearing impaired or just like to read, please contact for a written transcript of the interview.

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