Walking Dead 88, The Winter of Our Discontent

The Walking Dead issue #88  Written by Robert Kirkman, Art by Charlie Adlard and Published by Image Comics.

The status quo of The Walking Dead is a beast always in a state of constant flux.  Once again, just as the fine TWD folks start to get comfortable, it’s all about to change.  Issue #88 sets up for some waves in the wading pool that is The Walking Dead.

The hardest thing in life is to tell a child that someone they love is dead but to have to tell them that twice is a cross no parent should bear.  Rick finds himself in this worst of predicaments of having to tell Carl that not only is his mother dead but the sister he can’t remember is dead as well.  With all due respect, Carl was shot in the head so his memory is spotty at best.  Andrea, also in her own predicament, distances herself from Spencer, whom after a quick affair, is love scorned.  Affecting the survivors is the food supply running low, leading Rick and a group out to search for food.  The task for Rick is more of an escape rather than dealing with Carl.  As for the change in the status quo, the seeds of discontent were sown a few issues back and the first signs of upheaval are now sprouting.  This maybe the first time Rick and the gang find themselves being ousted from their safe haven, considering they are the ones usually planning the commotion.

Robert Kirkman is changing the table on the survivors where they will soon be discover themselves on the opposite side of the wall.  A very interesting point of this series is that even though the characters have left the prison, no matter where they go, they are prisoners to the shambling wardens that are The Walking Dead.

Charlie Adlard is a master craftsman of emotions in comics.  While you read this story, you’ll be able to feel your own heart break as Rick has “the talk” (no, not the birds and the bees) with Carl.  There is a sense of desperation that permeates Adlard’s drawings that allows the readers to identify and feel the pain and the hardships of the characters.

The Walking Dead is one of the best horror, nay, one of the best series being published!

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