28 Days Later Issue #24 Written by Michael Alan Nelson, Drawn by Alejandro Aragon, Cover by Sean Phillips, Color by Nolan Woodard and Published by Boom! Studios. SRP: $3.99
With this issue, we say goodbye to Selena and Clint, our new favorite survivors of a zombie apocalypse. For the past two years, each heart pounding issue of 28 Days Later has sent our pulse racing up and down. We are sad to see it end but our medical bills were stacking up causing our heart rates to soar even higher. This will be the last issue that will leave you out of breath as Selena and Clint speed down each street in hopes that the next will lead them to safety.
In the series-ending issue, Clint and Selena’s fate is revealed as they navigate the streets of London, dodging the infected and hiding from American soldiers. With the stakes being raised, the soldiers up the ante with their methods of “cleaning up” London. If there is one person who can survive this apocalypse, it’s Selena but can she help Clint off the island and expose what is really going on in London? The issue ends on two notes; the first being a burial of sorts of a “friend” who, without her help, neither Clint nor Selena would have survived a second in England. The second note is an anxiety-filled last panel that leads the reader up to the second movie and is executed in such a way that will have you happy that the rage zombies are only in 2D.
Michael Alan Nelson created a premise most writers couldn’t fit into a six issue miniseries, let alone into a 24 issue run that had us lined up at our local comic shop every Wednesday. You would have to be an emotionless robot not to feel for each member of Clint’s crew that died off at each twist and turn, and for the young boy sent to gather food and never returned home to his mother whose own survival is more important to her than her son’s life. Nelson has made us feel for all of the characters with those mentioned being just the tip of the iceberg. Having a built-in audience that are as ravenous as the rage zombies themselves is not an audience that can be easily won over but Nelson did it as natural as breathing.
Alejandro Aragon has done a great job with the art and panel composition as well as the rotating cast of artists on this book. Drawing just about anything that is based on a film is an uphill battle since the challenge lays in conveying the action in static storytelling as opposed to film’s live-action. Aragon uses Dutch angle and cinematic framing in his panels to convey mood that would be otherwise lost on the readers of the comics. For as many artists that there have been, Aragon has done a super job keeping the look of the characters consistent from previous artists, all the while not compromising his style. Again Sean Phillips turns in another fantastic cover, the man never turns in a bad cover.
The often overlooked part of the art is the coloring done by Nolan Woodard. In this book, it is no exception. The coloring is a huge part of setting the tone and feel of the book; whether it be the dark and often muddy looking streets of London or the bright and cheery look of a place far off from London, it is what really sells the mood of the book. Another great standout was the time before Clint, Selena and Derrick made their way to London and were hiding out in the back of a truck. The coloring was much like a normal day, bright and cheery, and it played so well against the obvious dangers of the rage zombie horde.
With this 28 Weeks Later series at an end, we can only hope and pray there will be another one of these series coming out from Boom! Studios and Nelson in the near future. If Nelson doesn’t write it, we will.
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