Lucky 13 is finally here, Fright Fans!! Today’s episode of Then Is Now is the final one in the 2020 series 13 Days of Hallowtober, and since it’s October 31st we decided to cover the horror holiday classic, Halloween from 1978 directed by John Carpenter.
Filmmaker Joe Lemieux returns to discuss this beloved picture with me, and we have a blast doing so! A classic film to be watched at least every October, John Carpenter’s masterpiece of suspense and horror still holds up to this day!
Since this is the final episode for 13 Days, I would like to give a special THANK YOU to all the great people that co-hosted with me including Joe Lemieux, Patsy the Angry Nerd, Chris Esper, Spency Domepiece and Squishy! We all had fun doing these shows, and everyone will return to Then Is Now in the future! On some of the films, we only had enough time to scratch the surface, so many of them will be re-visited in future episodes!
As always, please leave us a great review at iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you download your podcasts, so others can find the show! Join the conversation on our facebook page,, and visit our website for other fun stuff including our sister show, The East Meets the West, in which we discuss Spaghetti Westerns and Shaw Brothers films!
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Stay Scary!