On this episode of The Cult Movie Lounge, Re-Gor and Robert Monell discuss two horror films by legendary exploitation director, Joe Sarno: Vampire Ecstasy from 1973, and Sacrilege aka Helgeran from 1987. Very interesting and unique horror films and we think you’ll enjoy our reviews. Check it out! We also have a newspaper movie ad for Vampire Ecstasy when it was under the title, The Devil’s Plaything, below so check it out!
Robert can be found at:
I’m in a Jess Franco State of Mind Blog: www.robertmonell.blogspot.com
European Trash Cinema FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1624681674447676
Website: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/cinemadrome/
Re-Gor can be found at: http://www.havenpodcasts.com