Comic Book Quickies: March 30th, 2011

March 30th, 2011

Comic Book Quickies

Elephantmen: Man and Elephantman #1 Image Comics

Hip Flask awakens to find himself human.  Is this transformation a dream, nightmare or Hip’s deep dark fantasy?  The story cumulates when Hip finds himself in the embrace of a former lover that is until an old friend shows up to snap him out of this nightmare and into the real world.  Story by Richard Starkings, Art Axel Medellin and Cover by ED McGuinness

Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters #1 IDW

This book is the kickoff of the return of Godzilla and it delivers on everything that one comes to expect in a Godzilla book…destruction, Kaiju and for some reason, an American general that has no real reason being in the story.  Godzilla returns and of course, the Japanese responds in force and accidently gives Godzilla the ability to breath fire after they try the big guns on him.  Written by Eric Powell & Tracy Marsh, Penciled by Phil Hester, Inks by Bruce McCorkindale, Colors by Ronda Pattison and Letters by Chris Mowry

The Amory Wars: In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 #1 Boom Studios



This is both a great starting point and a great deal at only a dollar for this epic sci-fi war story.  It is the start of it all and begins right from the get-go, explaining Heavens Fence, the 69 connected worlds and the energy that holds them together: the Keywork.  Conceived by Claudio Sanchez, Written by  Peter David & Claudio Sanchez, Art by Chris Burnham (Yeah Burnham!), Letters by Johnny Lowe and Colors by Zac Atkinson

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