Last but certainly not least is the final installment of interviews from Boston Comic Con 2011 with the super-talented Thomas E. Sniegoski. This native New Englander has been working in prose and comic books for over two decades making him a legend in the industry. From his urban fantasy Remy
Chandlernovels to his The Fallen series (loosely adapted into a six-episode miniseries for ABC Family starring The Vampire Diaries’ Paul Wesley) to his prose work on Bone, there is nothing the man can’t write. It is amazing that Tom was able to squeeze in an interview with me in between the droves of fans buying up his books at the convention. Although this is an interview, the audio will reveal more of a conversation between two fans of comics and fantasy/sci-fi/horror novels. Please enjoy this last interview from the Boston Comic Con.
Please click the link below for the interview and for readers who are hairing impaired please email for a written transcript.
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