Bombs, Ass Kicking and Side Boob…It Must Be Comic Book Quickies
Haven’t been to the comic book store yet, here’s a couple of books that peaked our fancy.
Hack/Slash Issue #10
Written by Tim Seeley, Art by Daniel Liester, Colors by Mark Englert, Letters by Crank!, Cover A Tim Seeley & Mark Englert, Cover B Becky Cloonan, Published by Image Comics
If the Hack/Slash Annual wasn’t satisfying enough, then Issue #10 should wet your Hack/Slash appetite. This issue marks the next installment of the wonderfully titled “Interdimesional Woman’s Prison Breakout” . Bombqueen steps up her offensive and brings the war to Cassie and Samhain and the results are explosive. The sidelined Vlad has a heart to heart with Samhain talking about things (a change?) to come. The issue also has a brief cameo sort of apperance by Colt Noble. Boasting 100% more ass-kickery, literally a killer whale and Bombqueen’s side boob, this issue has just about everything!
Heart Issue #2
Written by Blair Butler, Art by Kevin Melon, Letters by Crank!, Published by Image.
It’s only on issue 2 and this book is already making its way to the top of our stack. Issue #2 shows the rise of the main character, Oren, as he navigates the amateur MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) world of Kansas City. Secondary characters get a little fleshing out in this issue, helping to create depth to the world of Heart. Butler takes her love for comics & MMA to new heights, coupled with Melon’s gritty sketchy art and the Cranks! Lettering, creates a solid comic. Heart is an underdog story by way of the cage match and bloody knuckles.