Haven’t stopped off at the comic shop yet? Here are three titles you shouldn’t just flip through but pick up with your stack of comics this week. Two of them are from Horror Haven favorite, writer Michael Alan Nelson.
Quickies Written by Shaun Daniels and Edited by Sharon Wong
28 Days Later Issue #23 Written by Michael Alan Nelson, Drawn by Pablo Peppino and Published by Boom! Studios.
London’s burning!!! Clint and Selena are in London proper and have split up with Selena’s past driving a wedge between them. Clint and the inhabitants of London have a much bigger threat to worry about than the Rage Zombies with the “Peace Keeper” about to clean up the city in true military fashion. Will Selena and Clint reunite and pull themselves out of the fire or will it be the end for the two? If you loved the 28 Days franchise then you need to be reading this book; it’s a virtual survival guide for the alleged apocalypse due to arrive this Saturday, May 20th 2011.
Malignant Man Issue #2 Written by James Wan & Michael Alan Nelson, Drawn by Piotr Kowalski and Published by Boom! Studios.
“What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger!” is the tag line to this book but it should really read is “What can’t kill you, will give you powers and put you squarely in the middle of a mysterious war!” After being rescued from the hospital by a mysterious woman, Alan Grate, a cancer patient, finds himself transformed into something unlike himself. Once thought to be a tumor growing in Alan’s head is now a living symbiotic creature that grants him powers… but for what reason? The answer is locked up in the creature that’s living in his head.
Solomon Kane: Red Shadows #2 Written by Bruce Jones, Pencilling by Rahsan Ekedal, Coloring by Dan Jackson & Dave Stewart, Cover Art by Guy Davis & Gregory Manchess (variant) and Published by Dark Horse Comics.
A brand new creative team on this comic brings Solomon Kane to the far reaches of Africa on his quest to eliminate the world of supernatural evils. In this issue, Kane finds himself avenging the death of a girl who was savagely attacked by the fiendish Le Loup. Proving to be Kane’s Moriarty, Le Loup is an elusive foe that will take everything Kane has to stay hot on the heels of this criminal mastermind.
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