Hack/Slash Issue #6 Written by Tim Seeley, Art by Daniel Liester, Letters by Crank! and Published by Image Comics. Retail Price $3.50
A new story arc for those of you sitting on the edge of the Hack/Slash pool and looking for a good place to jump in is also the return of regular artist Liester after a one-off break. Seeley has crafted a story that is a dark fantasy that some of us (myself included) may want to act on or at least look the other way. That fantasy…KILLING POP STARS!!! To make matters worse, Cassie is seeing the murders happen in her dreams making us think it could be a certain slasher already returning from the past. Also This issue features not one but two back up stories, the first another enstalment of Horror Haven Favorite Hoax Hunters by Written by Michael Moreci & Steve Seeley, art by JM Ringuet, Letters by Jim Campbell. The second is the Corpem scripts by James Lowder, Art by Jean-Paul Deshong Colors by Rachel Rosenburg, Letters by Crank!.
Rocketeer Adventures issue #3 Written by Joe R. Lansdale, Jonathan Ross & Ryan Sook, Art by Tommy Lee Edwards, Ryan Sook & Bruce Timm and Published by IDW. Retail Price $3.99
The last issue of Rocketeer Adventures was jam-packed full of top creators. How do they top that? By jamming the next full of top tier creators and big names in comics with the likes of Bruce Timm, Ryan Sook and Tommy Lee Edwards to name just a few. This issue has it all; from pulp stories to high octane adventures even down to the Junior Rocketeer Brigade. This great analogous series is for anyone picking it up for the first time and stands as a eulogy for the late great creator of the Rocketeer, Dave Stevens.
LOCKE & KEY CLOCKWORKS #1 (OF 6) Story by Joe Hill, Art & Cover by Gabriel Rodriguez and Published by IDW. Retail Price $3.99
If you have been looking for a good jumping on point for Locke & Key then look no further than Locke & Key Clockworks issue #1. You do not need to have any knowledge of the story thus far to enjoy or follow the story within this series. The only thing you need to know is the Black Door is ajar, no it’s wide open, and that is not a good thing. Sam Smith must find a way to close this door and fast because…the British are coming.
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